Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Consistent FHE

 Truth be told we have never been good at doing official FHE. Matt and I grew up spending lots of time with our families but never having consistent FHE so needless to say it isn't something we have ever done consistently. We spend a lot of time doing things together but decided it was time to make the goal of doing official FHE. So we sat down over the weekend and set up lesson plans for the month and decided a date and time for us to do it each week. So yesterday was the day...we covered our responsibility chart and discussed savings jars which we will finish next week(short attention spans)
And of coarse everyone favorite part...treats(raspberry filled donuts)

Hallie has been really excited about her chart and savings jars so now we just have to keep up the consistency and hope she stays somewhat excited but here's to setting goals and taking steps to achieving them!

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