Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Luke William Irvin

Little Luke joined our very anxious and excited family on Oct 4, 2012 at 1:48am. After an exhausting delivery that left Kimber and all others involved exhausted and a 12 hr labor they found her pelvis was to little for this little guy and she had a c-section...I would imagine there is isn't much worse than having to pretty much do both kinds of delivery with one child! Weighing in at 7lbs 14 oz and 19.5 inches long with tons of sandy blonde hair it quickly became obvious that it was all worth it. It took us a while to figure out who he looks like but after about a week we have found he looks a lot like Nate did as a baby so basically the Norr genes must run pretty dominant since all of our kids look mostly Norr. Hallie is much more interested in him than she ever was with Gracie..probably because she is older but who knows.

 He had to come home on bili lights since he had jaundice but besides the bed they sent them home with a bili blanket so we still held him most of the day.
 Grandma Sheryl and Papa with all their grand kids a good rounded out 4 at least for a couple more months til Nic adds #5 the end of March.
 Then Rigs got bored and ran away...he is a busy busy child
So we tried again and this is as good as it gets...luckily no tears were shed during these pics.
 Look at all his hair!
 And his cute face I can't believe how much he has changed so quickly they grow to quick
Oh I love him and he is so good. Kimber has been so dedicated and has him on a great 3 hr schedule and he  rarely if ever cries. Lucky for us they are only an hour away so we will be close enough to share in all his fun things..we have been down there 4 times and he is only 2 weeks old...but I just cant get enough of his cute face! Congrats Kim & Ez he is Perfect!

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