Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Field Trip

Preschool so far has been a great experience and I have even started to look forward to spending some one on one time with Gracie and the field trips for all of us are a fun thing to look forward to. For October we went to Black Island Farms. I took Hallie last year and had a great time but I didn't realize til today how much we didn't do today was seriously one of my most fun days as a mom. Here is how it went....we got there and waited to take the hayride out to pick our pumpkins. 

It was just our little group in trailer so we had plenty of room to visit and talk.
 The pumpkin field we picked from hadn't been picked by any other groups so it seemed like everywhere we looked there was a pumpkin but still the kids wandered til they found one they like.
 And once they found it they had to raise their hand and the tractor driver would come cut the stem for them to take their treasure home.

 We even found one for Gracie they were both pretty excited about it. Hallie thought it was so funny that hers was big and Gracie's was little since she is the big sister and Gracie is the little sister.

 Then we rode back in to play in the field and do all the activities they had
 Oh Issac and Hallie they have been good friends since they were born. I love this candid pic of them being silly together.

 Here was our group of kids. After the hayride we had pumpkin rice krispie and a drink before going to play.
 They had pig races which were as you can imagine hilarious. They had the kids yell as loud as they could so the pigs would run faster it actually was quite effective...and funny.
 Then they rode the train a couple times in a row since there was no was a little dusty but they had a great time.

 Then the pumpkin shaped bounce house which they thought they would like a lot but it turns out it wasn't so much fun and was a short lived adventure.
 Oh and the slides....I think there were 4 of them in various shapes and sizes for all the kids
 The cornbox which is just as it sounds a sandbox set up with corn kernels. They took turns burying each other and brought plenty of it home with them in their socks, shoes, and pants.
 The petting zoo portion was a favorite last year but we also learned that we need to take our own carrots to feed the, because after all thats the most fun.

 They have checker boards in which the pumpkins are the playing pieces but I think mostly the kids just stacked and played with them
 Gracie gave up and went to sleep shortly after lunch and slept til well after we got home so we had to take some mommy/Hallie pic which was A ok with us
Hallie and her friend Allie
 Erin & I with our girls
Seriously one of the best and fun days I have had as a mom. We ended up staying 4.5 hours and even at that we made the kids leave they played so well and will sleep very well tonight Im sure.


j.evans photography said...

Where is Black Island Farms? That looks like something Emry would love. Also don't you love the Washington pool? We love to go there when we are in St. George. We are more than likely moving to Honeyville, we should get together some time and go to Tree house in Ogden.

Lindsay said...

Sorry I never comment anymore. I just can't find any time for blogging! Love all the blog posts- you are such a fun mom, always doing so much with your girls!