The morning of the viewing was the 1st time Nate got to meet Gracie as you can see from the pic she really likes him

My little brother, Nate, although he would like to think that he is tough is just in fact a big sweet heart that is very tender and sweet. You wont find many 17 yr old boys out there are wonderful and talented as he is. While holding Hallie at the funeral Hallie asked where grandma had gone and why she had to leave...it made Nate emotional he said because he had a hard time explaining to her why the people we love are taken away from us even temporarily. So I took her aside and explained to her(the best you can to a 2 yr old). Then while the casket was being closed and a few of us were emotional she said, "don't be sad grandma is with jesus and doesn't hurt anymore" don't worry this just made the tears come even faster. I am thankful for our sweet Hallie and her innocent and loving personality. Hallie's flower for grandma

We are always excited when something brings my parents to Utah and this was no exception. After the funeral we celebrated Nate's birthday with Pizza Plus pizza and homemade ice cream and toppings. My family got in as much playing as possible while they were here. My dad spent hours outside playing with Hallie, the ducks, and a ball. While my mom spent most of her time cuddling with one of the 2 younger grand kids. She still has the touch and both slept most of the time.

Mom with her 3 grandbabies