So if you read the title you are fully aware that this child that wanted to remain sexless has now been seen. We are thrilled and more than a little shocked concidering that both Matt and I thought this little one was a boy. We go in for the important ultrasound to make sure everything works next week thats the one I am ready for just to make sure our little one is growing. I had been consistently gaining weight but I have stopped recently although the doctor says completely normal and the baby is growing perfectly. She is however sitting on my sciatic nerve, does anyone have any tricks to help relieve the pain? Has anyone ever had a prenatal message? Sorry this post has taken me so long we have not had internet for the last couple of weeks and I will tell you I am addicted, literally. I kept thinking about how out of the loop I felt. And so much has happened but yet I can't remember most of it so it couldn't have been to important. Hope all is well and I look forward to catching up on all the fun things going on very soon.