Well Just a few thoughts that I may expand on sometime in the near future
-The yard and the evenful weekend
So Matt brought the tractor home this weekend and we ripped out all of the bushes and trees that needed to go all we have to do now is put it all back together.
-Blessings of good jobs and being somewhat financially stable
When we remodeled we put in a high efficiency furnace and sold our old one a family came that their furnace had gone out the pervious day and they had spent the night without heat they had been looking for one but couldn't afford anything then they found us and a furnace. It had been a cold night and the mom told us about how they all cuddled together to stay warm it broke my heart. At times like these I realized how blessed Matt and I are to own a home, reliable cars, fantastic jobs, and to have very minimal debt.
-Finals and upcoming gradation
So I graduate on Fri May 2 and I am thrilled I am bored already and getting a part time second job while my amazing husband hangs in there and goes to school all summer.
-Crazy Summer
Well so nic is getting so fri may 2 only hours after graduation I am throwing her a shower and only twelve hours after that my youngest sister maddi will be baptized. Oh how life changes so quickly. This summer will be fun the family decided that even with nic's wedding the lake powell trip will still happen and the week before the wedding I think it will be fun.
2 days ago