Well Just a few thoughts that I may expand on sometime in the near future
-The yard and the evenful weekend
So Matt brought the tractor home this weekend and we ripped out all of the bushes and trees that needed to go all we have to do now is put it all back together.
-Blessings of good jobs and being somewhat financially stable
When we remodeled we put in a high efficiency furnace and sold our old one a family came that their furnace had gone out the pervious day and they had spent the night without heat they had been looking for one but couldn't afford anything then they found us and a furnace. It had been a cold night and the mom told us about how they all cuddled together to stay warm it broke my heart. At times like these I realized how blessed Matt and I are to own a home, reliable cars, fantastic jobs, and to have very minimal debt.
-Finals and upcoming gradation
So I graduate on Fri May 2 and I am thrilled I am bored already and getting a part time second job while my amazing husband hangs in there and goes to school all summer.
-Crazy Summer
Well so nic is getting so fri may 2 only hours after graduation I am throwing her a shower and only twelve hours after that my youngest sister maddi will be baptized. Oh how life changes so quickly. This summer will be fun the family decided that even with nic's wedding the lake powell trip will still happen and the week before the wedding I think it will be fun.
5 days ago
I can't believe your little sister is getting married. (crazy) She looks darling. The family is growing up. If you want a kitten you are more than welcome to one. We have two white ones with oorange spots on thier heads and then the calico and orange.
Hey Nanie!
So, i am going to comment about your "stupid fears" blog here if you don't mind. I remember back in 9th or 10th grade that a certain someone, won't mention names, told you that you should never get over 135 pounds because you won't be happy. To tell you the truth, Nat, I have always thought you to be so skinny and that that comment was probably at the back of your mind all the time, how could it not be considering who it came from? I know I would think about it all the time too if I were you. It is good to be healthy, but when it becomes an obsession then I think we lose sight of who we really are. Quick example; Rex and I got pregnant, miscarried, and couldn't get pregnant until about 8 months later. During those 8 months I was so miserable when each month I would find out that we weren't pregnant. I cried all the time. I then realized it was consuming my everything and I needed to leave it up to Heavenly Father. So, I had a talk with him and bam! that month I got pregnant. I little different situation, but kind of the same idea. So, getting pregnant is not the end of being skinny. I know that if you follow a strict diet (but still can indulge in yummy stuff every once in awhile), I had gestational diabetes, that you can just gain the normal weight and if you breastfeed and exercise it will all come off, plus some. Maybe you already have, but maybe you could talk things over with our Father in Heaven and he can most definitely help you. I think your are such a fun and beautiful girl! Well, sorry for the novel and I hope I didn't offend you in any way. Take care and I hope you know if you need anything you can come to me! love ya
Natalie Natalie Natalie....I can't help but want to comment on your "stupid fears" post. I read it a few weeks ago and I can't get it out of my mind. Natalie you have wanted to have kids for as long as I have known you. And the fact that the weight issue is what is holding you back from fulfilling one of your dreams makes me really sad for you, because being able to have a family is one of the greatest joys in life. It is why we as women were put on this earth...that and to keep men in line! :) You saw me when I was pregnant, I was huge. But I was healthy and incredibly happy. And in turn I was blessed with a happy healthy baby. I even gained 5 pounds more than the "recommended" weight. BUT..I've been fortunate to loose it all and then some and I believe that you will too. It doesn't matter what you look like. I got a few stretch marks from Hayden, but who cares I had a person GROWING inside of me. Brady thinks my stretch marks are sexy. And I am proud of them...like I said, you grow a sweet little person inside of you. That alone is amazing. And if you do get any stretchmarks or a few extra pounds and some killer sexy "mom" curves(and I doubt you will) Matt will think they are sexy. He wouldn't be able carry a baby even if he wanted too. The bottom line is, if you want to have a baby bad enough then you need to do it for the right reasons and stop thinking about yourself and what the baby will do to you but think instead about how happy the baby will make you. They truly are little blessings Natalie. And we are blessed to be able raise them. I love you Nat and it makes me sad that this is so hard for you. Don't worry about what people may think or say, all that matters is what you think. Don't let a silly thing like weight hold you back from one of life's greatest blesings.
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