So we have been taking Hallie to parts of church the last couple of weeks but now that she is seven weeks old she got to go to all of church I'm not sure if it was because I'm completely ready for her to be out or because I needed out of the house for a while. For any of you who know me know that I am somewhat of a germaphob and I don't want her sick. Sometimes knowledge is something I wish I didn't have but we are learning and will figure it all out eventually. Anyways she is finally getting to the point that some of her clothes kinda fit she still is so long and skinny (don't get me wrong I love that she is so little and I wish she wouldn't grow so fast but that wont happen). She is smiling more and more and has started to coo and giggled twice. She is a joy to have in our home and she has already made Matt and I better people. Mom in a week you will get to see her in person again but until then I will continue to post pics k. Love you Hallie!!
2 days ago
Hey! Hallie is such a doll! I bet that was exciting to finally get out of the house! I am happy you guys are blogging so we can see your cute family! We would love to come to the blessing, unfortunately we will still be in Florida. We leave the 18th. You will have to take lots of pictures for us! You all look great!!
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