The all so important Easter morning pic(not flattering but a must)
So having worked yesterday we decided to celebrate Easter today. Growing up easter was always a fun time we would attend a easter egg hunt, dye eggs, and look forward to an outfit and treats from the easter bunny as well as a picnic at the "easter caves" above our house. We always had a big dinner with all of our extended family but unfortunately we all grew up and everyone moved which makes it not as easy to get together but I will forever be grateful for those memories that were made and now with our own little family we will attempt to also make those memories even if it is just with the 3 of us. We woke up to find a trail of treats to our baskets but after seeing the baskets Matt and I must have not deserved much compared to Hallie who got spoiled(I didn't realized how much we had bought). We also enjoyed conference cakes and some cuddletime on the couch as we watched conference just the 3 of us.
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