Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gracie Update

What can I say about our Gracie girl except she is growing like a weed. She is a great baby...I don't think I can say that enough. I love when she smiles and her whole face lights up when you talk to her. It melts my heart when Hallie talks to her and Gracie watches her like she just can't get enough. I love her sweet little spirit and her mellow personality. She loves to watch tv and seems to really enjoy music. She likes to be where things are happening. Within the last couple of weeks she has found her hands. She likes to interlock them and suck on them...a lot. She loves to be in motion whether it be in the car or stroller. She enjoys bath time. Sleeps best in her crib while swaddled.

Her hair is filling in and it looks at this point to still be dark. She is getting more and more into laughing all the time..usually when surprised. She quite often finds someone or something to stare at that brings a smile to my face..I always wonder who it could be? I love to get up with her in the stillness of the night and just enjoy the quite time with her. I have really been struggling with my ulcerlative colitis and just recently switched treatment plans in hopes of curing it rather than treating it. I was having a particularly hard day. I had finished feeding her and was tucking her back into bed when her face lit up and a smile filled her face I could have sworn that I heard a voice say, "It will be ok mommy we will figure this out you just have to be patient." I stood watching her for a long time with tears streaming down my face as she quickly fell back to sleep. It was truly one of Gods tender mercies. I'm so thankful for her sweet spirit and her thin veil that has once again enlightened our lives. I think my kids help me find perspective in life...what an eternal perspective.

1 comment:

The Holmgrens said...

I don't think I knew you even had colitis. I need to call you so we can catch up. We're due for a long phone call. Or a visit in person. Your little moment with sweet Gracie is so special. Keep your head up and trust that everything will work out. xo