The past week we have done potty training and just let me tell you I would rather do just about anything other than potty training. I attempted to potty train Hallie just before her 2nd birthday and before Gracie arrived which failed miserably..I don't think she was ready. But having turned 2 1/2 this week I decided it was time she is way to smart to not understand what to do maybe just lazy. The 1st day went great 3 accidents all day it was day 2 and 3 that were just about enough to pull my hair out. I had to remind myself often that Hallie is 2 and we are learning together. Gerber thick training pants and water proof pantie covers have been my saving grace. We have spent a lot of time talking while she is sitting on the potty. I stared asking her some questions the other day and was quite surprised that she was giving me full answers. Some of her responses were her favorite color is green, favorite food sausage and bacon, and favorite place to go is on a walk. She seems to do the best when she is naked. Thursday I let her run around naked most of the day and we had NO accidents. She would be sitting on the floor playing and quickly get up and run to the bad we can't go everywhere naked. After a week she still isn't asking to go but will sit on the potty when I remind her. We are and will get there and I refuse to go back. I will say before I start this story that we always sing when Hallie sits on the potty, various songs and sometimes just made up silly ones. We were in Walmart yesterday and Hallie needed to go potty(adds a whole new hardness of getting out of the house) we went in the bathroom and she sat on the potty and said mommy you need to sing so I began to sing...quietly. After a moment she said you need to sing louder like this and started singing her potty song at the top of her lungs she proceeded to go potty and then said, "now that wasn't so hard now was it".. I couldn't help but laugh and I heard some giggles from the other stales. Which leads to my next thought.
Hallie loves to sing and has gotten very into princesses. She loves to wear long shirts or skirts she spins in a circle and dances while singing. She loves to sing everything and anything. This morning I found her on top of the kitchen table singing songs from little mermaid. We have been watching a new Disney movie at least once a week for movie time. She is very into pretending. While cleaning out my closet the other day she asked if she could get married. I said that was fine and had no idea what she was talking about she returned after a few minutes dress for her "wedding" in her dads golf hat and our decorative plant.

She has figured out how to pedal her bike and had her 1st official haircut. She is a super helper and wants to help and ask questions about everything we are doing. She still loves to read and lately we have found her sleeping with books with her light on when we check on her right before we go to bed.
I have realized lately now that we are settled into a schedule with Gracie that I have been spending significantly less one on one time with Hallie. So now at least once a week during Gracie nap time we have mommy/hallie time. We paint our fingernails, take bubble baths, watch movie/cuddle/eat popcorn, play in her play room, read stories, or whatever she wants to do. She will often ask where Gracie is or wants her to have her involved in what were doing. Often times I am surprised that Hallie isn't resentful towards Gracie but are extremely grateful that she isn't.
Now that the weather is warmer and RSV cases are decreasing we have been getting out a little more. Hallie is such a loving little girl and has missed all her little friends alot. She is very sweet and tenderhearted. She is always concerned for others but isn't afraid to stand up for herself. The other day at treehouse she was "planting" carrots in the garden area with a shovel and watering can. A little boy twice her size came into the area and tried to take her shovel and watering can out of her hands to which she pulled them back and told him that taking without asking was naughty. This was the same day we went to treehouse with Rosty. On the way out Rosty was crying and was ready to go home Hallie walked up to him and held his hand. I typically hate pictures like this because they see posed but this occurrence has possibly changed my thought process.

I often sit in awe, Hallie is so confident and self assured. I can only hope that she continues to realize what a special daughter of God that she is and the potential she has. Our lives would certainly be dull without her beautiful smile and shining eyes. We are so blessed that she is a part of our eternal family.
This post made me laugh! What a cutie full of personality!
Don't you just love this stage?! I am dreading potty training Emry, you are more brave then myself. I figure 3 is my cut off age. The things little Hallie does or says reminds me of Em. It must just be there age. I just love reading your posts!
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