Monday, February 4, 2008

Parenting trial

So as some of you may or may not know Matt and I had the wonderful opportunity of keeping our 2 year old nephew this past week while his mom was in the hospital with the other baby. What a fun experience it has been we had so much fun and can I tell you how much I love not having to go to work it is wonderful. Someday it will be a reality but for now it was a trial run. I can't believe how well Matt did he will be a wonderful dad when it is our turn. We both had mixed feelings about it being over we definitely missed our "alone" time and totally understand why they say you need to continue to date once you have kids. But anyways here are some pics of our fun week.


Jer and Jealin said...

How fun! It is definetly important to get that together time when you have kids! I can't believe all the snow. We actually had snow on the ground in St. George yesterday. CRAZY!!! Love reading about what's going on in your life!

CHAR said...

NAT!!! I am so glad that you have a blog. Because I have one too! That way I can see how you are doing and what you are up to. I miss you TONS!!

Brittany said...

You are the best!! Thanks again for helping us out so much...I think Carson enjoyed it more than you'll know!! We love ya tons, and are so grateful to both of you!! Cya Soon, and Happy Bday to Matt tomorrow!!