Last Week while Matt was away on business we lined up some fun activities to keep us busy while he was gone. Black Island Farms was destination number one. It is a running farm in Syracuse that does fun fall activities this time of year. Hallie was so excited to go for a hay ride and see the animals. They had so many fun activities. After getting there we had about an hour until our hayride so we headed out into their field that was full of slides, a bounce house, and kid size mazes, and a bunch of animals.

Then it was our turn for the hay ride we got a tour of the farm as well as 2 stops. One to pick carrots and the other to pick pumpkins. Hallie loved the hayride and the red tractor that pulled the trailor.

She took a long time picking just the pumpkin for her and ended up liking the carrot she picked better because she had seen kids feeding the animals carrots before the ride so after we picked it she wanted to head back and feed the animals. And that was just what we did after posing with a pumpkin as big as her.

This was Hallie's favorite goat. There was a bigger black one that was a "bully" whenever he would come over to push the little ones one out the way Hallie would say "go away mean goat." Silly girl

Our plan was to stop and eat on the way home but I had a hard time even keeping Hallie awake long enough to get home for a nap(3 hours later) we had a great time we just wish Matt could have come but maybe next year. I love Fall!!!