
Wednesday night some guys from our ward came to help Matt move the furniture and all the old cabinets. Here is what it looked like after.

Then the real work began. Matt started working on the base cabinets and finished both sides on Thursday once Ez got here. I felt a lot better knowing that Matt had a "partner" that was just as excited about the project as he was. Thursday night they got both bases installed and then it looked like this.

Friday the top cabinets went in as well as framing out where the tv would go. And then it looked like this...

Saturday was the day that seemed to make the most difference look wise. The remainder of the structure went up as well as everything getting painted. The fireplace even got an update with some new paint and stain. This was a huge group day we really don't know what we would have done without Kim & Ez they were such a big help and never complained about the long hours or endless work. Kim even helped me to keep the house clean, take care of Hallie, do laundry, and make dinner!
We painted into the late hours of Christmas Eve before heading for bed.
Christmas morning we slept in and this is what it looked like once dry on Christmas morning.

When we got home Christmas evening the boys had to hang the tv I thought it might kill them to wait. Monday was spent building cabinet doors, touch up painting, and staining the tops of the bases. No picture for the end of Mondaybut Nic & Ky came to check on us for the evening.
Tuesday morning Kim & Ez had to head for home and we had a doctors appointment so Tuesday afternoon the cabinet doors, hardware, and decor went back up and by Tuesday night here is the finished product.

I have to admit I was a little skeptical but am overly impressed at how well it all turned out as well as completely relieved that it got done before the baby got here. Matt & I can't say enough how much we owe Kim & Ez we really couldn't have done it without them. There were a lot of late nights and long hours but we think the end result was worth it. I think it may be awhile before we take on another project.