Friday, August 12, 2011

Treehouse Museum and Baseball

One of my favorite things about living in Ogden is Treehouse Museum a friend of ours convinced us to try it out one time and now it is just about a weekly occurrence for Hallie and I. Every couple of months they do special events where they pick a place in the world and offer activites and food from that place this time was a fiesta. We had homemade churros, horchata, made pinatas, among other activities. Hallie thought it was all pretty cool.

After we finished there we walked down to watch the Raptors play. Hallie loved it, to be honest I think she just loved being outside for a long period of time. It was a beautiful night and one that true summers are made of.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I have taken Drake there once and he absolutely loved it. I don't know why I haven't been back yet, but this has reminded me that I need to go back. Hallie looks adorable with her piggy tails!