Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Victor and the Tetons

Over the 24th we got together with Matt's family. We left on Sunday after the girls got up from their naps and we were all packed and ready to go. We drove the 4 hours to Victor, ID without any problems I think the drive bothered me the most. Gracie slept for about 3 hours of the trip and Hallie was content to read stories and watch movies. Once we arrived we got all our stuff set up and had some dinner followed by a lesson by Chris. It was really hard to listen with the kids running around and so excited to be out of the car and with all the other kids. Then we settled in for the night. The girls really struggled going to sleep...Hallie wanted to be up with the older kids and I don't know why Gracie was awake but she was all smiles and wanted to play. We finally got both of them settled about 11. I was a mess I was worried about the girls waking each other up, the other kids up, or getting woke up. It was hot so I couldn't sleep the girls would stir  (hallie a lost binki/gracie was sweaty) it made for a long night but by about 4am it had cooled off and we got a few good hours of sleep. Monday morning came way to quickly we had yummy breakfast and got ready for family pictures.
 Most the grandkids 
 Our little bunch
We couldn't have been done with pictures soon enough for the group that was going fishing they had been planning and talking about it for quite a while. So after getting some lunch and some fly fishing practice they were off to the river. As for our little family we decided to take naps and visit. After the girls got up from their naps we got them fed and packed to head to the Targee Ski Resort. But before we left I decided to let Gracie have a cookie(vanilla/chocolate/cream filled one) and oh my she made a mess but seemed to really enjoy herself.

  Once she got a mini bath(because she was a mess!) we drove the beautiful 30 minutes to the resort. We got our tickets and walked the short distance to the lift. Hallie was a little nervous but once we got moving she loved it. The views were, for lack of a better word, AMAZING(which still does it no justice)
 Once we got to the top(it took about 15minutes) we took a couple short hikes to a few observation points and the view just got better and better. We had been talking to Hallie about taking her to the big mountain which she equated to Dora's Big Mountain so she was very excited when we made it to "big mountain" aka the Tetons.
Our view at the top

 Can you see in the picture below how the storm is coming in? Well just as we were getting ready to head back one of the workers came to warn us that the storm was coming so we got a few last pics and headed down the lift. It probably dropped 10-15 degrees in the hour we were on the mountain luckily we had packed jackets just in case but the girls didn't seem bothered at all.

Once we got to the bottom we wanted to take some pictures and then before we knew it Hallie wanted her picture taken next to every flower pot they had because she said they were so beautiful.

 Then we headed back to the cabin. The kids got to play bingo before dinner and Joy had some fun prizes(Hallie chose books). After dinner we went for a bike ride (forgot my camera) although I probably wouldn't have taken pictures anyways because I about died. I had failed to notice on the way out that it was a slight decline so on the way home it was all up hill. I really didn't think I was going to make it...ridiculous! After some fresh air and some water I felt better and joined the rest of the group that had started their "talent" show which really ended up being some funny skits and Joy playing some songs for the kids to sing and dance to. Hallie thought it was great. After we gave the girls a "bath" it was time to try the bedtime thing again which to spare the details went miserably and we got to bed about 2am. Tuesday morning we got up and packed to head for home our original plan was to head for Jenny Lake and hike to the falls but on the way there Matt and I realized how truly exhausted we all were and decided to bag that for some spectator rafting and lunch. I have many memories of going to Jackson with my family rafting growing up and Bubba's is one of them my dad loves their breakfast so as we drove past I had to get a picture.
 We decided to watch from the "lunch counter" which we coincidentally packed our lunch and ate it while watching the boats come through. It made Matt and I miss rafting a lot hopefully we can talk my parents into going at least another couple of times to at least help teach  us the particulars so we can keep going. Note:this is about the only time you will catch me dirty camping! Anyways back to lunch and the river. Hallie had a hard time focusing on her lunch and preferred to watch the rafts come through the rapids.
 Hallie watching the boats with her daddy

 I had packed pickles in my baggie and decided to let Gracie try one...she was in heaven and gnawed on it the entire time we were hiking around. Can you tell by her face she liked it?
 Love my little family and our adventures
 Then we headed for home. The girls alternated napping on the way home. We got rained on most of the way and the drive was for the most part really pretty. I'm so thankful for good riders because I hate to drive anywhere and if they weren't good riders I don't know if we would go anywhere.
 Once we got home, unpacked, and showered we enjoyed the peace and quiet of our cool house(you really don't realize how much you love AC until you don't have it). Then I realized I hadn't documented Gracie's latest trick she now can sit up all by herself and has been for about a week now. And she is quite proud of herself.
I had such a good time with my little family and the new little adventures that we did. Hallie had a great time with her cousins and loved the books Joy gave as prizes. We are excited to get some R&R before our next camping trip with friends this weekend. I sometimes wonder if summer is over so we can stay home but until then we will do our best to enjoy every moment we have together.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Those views are incredible! What a fun getaway. I love the picture of your little family too- that's definitely a framer! :)