Thursday, September 13, 2012

1st Day of Joyschool

After months of discussion we decided rather than sending Hallie to 3 years of preschool we would do "joyschool" for this year. Realistically she is already well above where she needs to be for kindergarten but we wanted her to be able to enjoy the social aspect and get used to somewhat of a structured learning environment other than me. So we got together with a couple of friends and decided to start this last week. There is another group of "joyschool" kids who are older and we will be doing monthly field trips with them. Hallie was so excited and was great about eating, getting dressed, and having her pictures done so we wouldn't be late(we ended up 5 min early).
 Can you tell she was excited. All morning she kept telling Gracie, "I have to go to school but Ill be back to play don't be sad." Which is funny because Gracie could careless...haha. What a sweet thoughtful girl we have.
Then of coarse she had to have a picture of her princess backpack that she is in love with. It was fun to take her to pick it and all her school supplies out she was so excited about all of it. The month of September is L is for Leaves and mostly talking about fall. I put together all the lessons but we are rotating who is teaching. Each month has a letter, shape, number, and color to focus on. Each month is centered around the happens of the month. What a fun time of year for that. I can't wait to see her learn and grow.

1 comment:

Becca Lund said...

This is so adorable! I wish I were home in the day to get Weston into something like this. Of course, I suck. But Halle is so cute! and so smart!