Friday, September 7, 2012

1st Preschool Field Trip

So the time has come all to quickly to make decisions about preschools and extracurricular did my baby get so big. Matt and I made the decision that in our opinion many parents schedule their kids with to many things at a young age and then there is less time for the parents to spend teaching kids and hopefully building relationships that will last much longer than any extracurricular activity. So we decided to for go all the extras for this year and participate in a "joy" school. We are doing 2 separate groups to have smaller groups for lessons but will do our monthly field trips together. For September we are doing L is for leaves and we started with a nature hike. We took a short hike in which we saw several different kinds of seeds that they collected in their bags to show everyone at the top. Once to the top the kids played in the stream, ate peanuts(a seed) and apples(with seeds) while doing some exploring. The kids had a blast and it was fun to get out in the fresh air.
 Hallie with her peanut(have you ever seen 8 toddlers try to crack peanuts...enough said?)
 Gracie was so good and got so excited when I put her in her carrier. She excitedly flapped her arms and legs most of the hike.
 Hallie loved playing in the water
 All of the kiddos
 Me and my little hikers..I'm one lucky mommy
 Hallie and her friend Allie
I'm excited about what this year of "joy" school will bring. I have all the lesson plans put together and we will be rotating teaching by months. We will be focusing on a letter, shape, and color for one month with activities focused towards helping them learn more through experiences than actual book work.

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