Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pics from vacations that seem so long ago

So I finally got ahold of the pics from our family vacation this summer just thinking about it makes me excited for next year and to take our little one along for the ride. So just a recap we spent five days boating and four rafting which is totally my kind of vacation. I love stuff like this because I don't like crowds and I don't have the stomach for amusement parks. This baby has definitely had a fun ride as she has grown. I was able to sleep on an air mattress, raft, ski, kneeboard, jetski and alot of other fun stuff. The great thing in being with family is that once you get together it feels like you have never been apart. I love you guys thanks for your never ending support and a great time.
P.S. Watch for the pic of Matt and Ky in the ducky coming through the rapids(a pic to be proud of for sure)

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