Monday, February 20, 2012

6 Weeks...already

Friday Gracie turned 6 weeks, its the same story as always I can't believe it has been that long but I also can't imagine our life without her. She is such a good baby and I can't tell you how grateful I am for that. She is a great eater, sleeper, and at this point is pretty "Hallieproof." She eats every 4 hours and is still following her babywise schedule to a T in fact just last night she slept for just over 8 hours!!! I really appreciated that once I checked on her and found her alive and well. She is very alert during her awake time she has also in the last couple of weeks started smiling when you smile and talk to her. Her hair is still really dark and at this point not much of it has fallen out she looks very similar to Hallie when she is asleep but not much when she is makes me excited to see what she will eventually look like. She is darker complected, has beautifully clear skin and fat roles on her legs. She is growing faster than I would like her to she is wearing a size 1 diaper and 0-3 month clothes. Hallie still wont hold her but loves to help with her or to pose with her for pictures.


Lindsay said...

She's darling!

j.evans photography said...

I can't ever get my kids to follow the babywise book. I have tried with both. Asher is doing much better then Emry did though so I can't complain at all. Hallie sounds just like Emry in wanting to take care of her little sister. Emry is always so helpful too.