Well my 1st baby is now almost 2 1/2 and she never ceases to amaze/entertain us. She just keeps getting more and more fun. It seems like ever stage becomes a favorite. Her imagination is growing like wild..where do kids get some of the things they say or do? There are moments in a mother's life when you regret every time you ever yelled at your child. Every time you told them no and broke their heart. Every time you ignored them to get something done that you thought was "more important". Every time you silently said you wanted to lock them in a closet for 5 minutes or send them to the zoo cuz they HAD to be the worst behaved kid on the block. Right? Well I have had a lot of moments like this. But then there are also moments when your child tells you endlessly how much she loves you and how beautiful you are as well as saying/doing some of the cutest things you can imagine. I have to think that God has a sense of humor when it comes to parents and their children. For just as you think your patience is gone one of those tender moments occurs and gives you the patience to go on a little longer. Month after month I find I write a lot of the same things about Hallie so I decided to switch it up a bit and share experiences.
Giving Gracie a bath is one of Hallie's favorite things to do these days most mornings she asks if Gracie needs a bath. Although Im not sure if she likes helping bath her or just playing in the water. After giving Gracie a bath the other morning I moved Gracie to the living room to get her dressed. After getting her dressed I went to check on Hallie and found her playing in the bath water. I asked what she was doing and she said don't worry mommy I'm helping you by doing the dishes. If you look closely in one of the pictures she has a bottle with a wash cloth cleaning it.
While eating lunch and watching Team Umizoomi the other day I noticed Hallie sliding down in her chair and putting her hand up. I asked what she was doing and in a whisper she informed me that she was hiding from the bad guy so he couldn't see her.
Mommy & Me time at Treehouse
Hallie from the moment we took her to treehouse has loved it and to be honest its nice to have a place to take her where she can socialize and play without destroying my house. The older she has gotten the more fun the trips have been. Since her imagination has really kicked these are my favorite trips.
Posing with her Bike
This bike is the one she got for Christmas we have kept it inside since its to cold to ride it outside she does everything from ride it to sitting on it while she watches tv...she even delivers stuff on it.
Babies loaded up and ready to head to school
Driving the firetruck
Farm Sets a for sure favorite
Posing by the Swing..silly girl
Every time we take a picture of Gracie Hallie wants her picture taken with either Gracie or just one of herself but lately she has wanted to pose with various objects including the swing, her bike, a pillow, and whatever she is eating at the time.
All dolled up and ready for the day
While my mom was here she would get Hallie dressed and ready for the day. My mom has four girls and needless to say is very good at doing hair and for sure has more of an imagination than I do. Hallie loved getting reasdy and then asking for you to take her picture. Another side note is that once you take a picture of her she wants to see it almost to quick sometimes that the picture is blurry because she wants to see it before you even finish taking it.
A Sippy, a bed, and a show
These are all common occurring events at our house. Grandma Joy made Hallie this blanket for Christmas and it is just the right size to fold it in half to make a bed
Crazy Morning Look
Blankie Burrito
I asked Hallie if she wanted to help me make dinner(she loves to help cook) after about 10 minutes in she said she was tired and wanted to go to bed so she headed for her bed. I followed her I asked her for a hug and kiss. She informed me that she would give me a hug but she wasn't giving kisses today. After getting my hug I stole a kiss. I stood at the top of the stairs watching her somewhat in awe at how big she is getting and how she is to smart for her own good at times. She turned around and said aren't you supposed to be making dinner, I need to go to sleep.
And I saved my favorite for the last. Matt has been teaching at Weber since the beginning of the year which leaves me to get the kids ready and in bed one night a week some nights this is a major chore and other nights it goes very smoothly. I had got Hallie into bed and story and songs done by 8:30 so I headed upstairs to feed Gracie. I thought I heard Hallie about 9 when I looked on her monitor I found her light was on, stuff was all over her bed and I could hear her talking so I impatiently headed downstairs to put her back to bed. I quietly stuck my head into her room and found that her books were spread all of her bed and she was reading to her stuffed animals.It didn't take her long to realize I was there and quickly gave the explanation that "they" weren't tired and needed her to read to them. I tucked her in and then she said she couldn't go to sleep until she put all her stories away so we quickly picked up her stories and back to bed. When I got back upstairs it hadn't been five minutes and I could hear her singing. I checked the monitor she was still in bed with the light off so I let her be. I couldn't help but smile as I heard her sing song after song then tell her stuffed animals it was time for bed and then she would say oh you want to sing another song...well ok just one more(I bet you can guess this is how every night goes down at our house)and then pick another song. This continued for about another 30 minutes then she said I'm tired now go to sleep. Love you, goodnight and I didn't hear another peep from her. About five minutes after she had stopped Matt got home so I told him what had happened and said if he wanted he should go down and tell her good night before she was really asleep. He went to tell her good night and she said daddy the sun is still asleep you need to go to bed.(we regularly tell her she needs to go to sleep and stay in her bed until the sun comes up). Silly Girl but moments that make us smile and make life brighter.
5 days ago
1 comment:
Bad friend, just barely looking at your blog after a long while, and that whole thing was too funny. Sometimes those kids really are just too smart and it seems to happen all of the sudden. Love you and miss you guys... I need to come meet little Gracie still. Maybe when I'm not crazy. Oh wait...
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