Do you ever have days that you feel like you just get it?.?.?.life I mean. Like what really matters? Well today has been one of those days for me I just want to bottle up this feeling and use it for all those other days when I forget how blessed I am. Days like today make me feel like my life is perfect ever when in all reality it probably isn't anywhere near that. For many brief moments the world is lost with its drama and scariness and is filled with time spent with loving friends and family. We truely are so blessed happy and healthy taking life one day at a time.
2 days ago
I so understand how you feel! I love the picture!
This is one of the biggest things I've learned from my husband being in Afghanistan. Life really is great and we have so much to be grateful for. Your little Hallie is adorable. And congrats to Nic!!
I know what you mean. I call those moments "glimpses of eternity". They are the greatest!
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